Yves Betuel with supporters and crew shortly before departing for the Cape to Rio regatta. Memories of this event from crew member Alain ROUILLARD (Alain Rouillard Interviewed by Jennifer Griffiths) AR: It was a great pleasure for me to read your mail as it brought me back to the year 1976 when we all were […]
In 1977 Blue Shadow won boat of the year at the Grand Baie Yacht Club. Blue Shadow’s awards harvest for the year. Yves Betuel (centre pic ) with crew and family. If you have any memories of her from 1977, please write them in the comments box below. to have your story added here.
Blue Shadow was launched in Grand Bay, Mauritius on 25th June 1975. She was the first deep-keeled sailing vessel to be launched in this region. Her owner, Port Louis harbour master Yves Betuel, had to have jetty built in Grand Bay specially for her launch. Both her owner, port captain Yves Betuel (right), and boat […]